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Building Blocks Daycare Center

Themes, Songs, Poems

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Good Morning Song | Little Fingers | Monkey See, Monkey Do | Little Ducklings | Goodbye Song

Professor Kid Kid's Playground
    Kid's Playground
Kid's Brother

The Good Morning Song
(sung to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands!")

Good Morning Mr./Miss (Child's Name) how are you?
Good Morning Mr./Miss (Child's Name) how are you?
You are such a little dear,
We are happy you are here,
Good Morning Mr./Miss (Child's Name) how are you?

Ten Little Fingers

Five little fingers I have ten little fingers,
And they all belong to me.
I can make them do things.
Would you like to see?

I can put them up high,
I can put them down low,
I can make them hide,
And I can fold them, so.

Five more little fingers

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Monkey, monkey, in the tree.
Can you jump around like me?
Monkey see, monkey do,
Little monkey in the zoo.

Monkey, monkey, in the tree.
Can you twirl around like me?
Monkey see, monkey do,
Little monkey in the zoo.

Monkey, monkey, in the tree.
Can you roll around like me?
Monkey see, monkey do,
Little monkey in the zoo.

Monkey, monkey, in the tree.
Can you dance around like me?
Monkey see, monkeey do,
Little monkey in the zoo.

Little Ducklings

All the little ducklings
Line up in a row.
Quack, quack, quack,
And away they go.

They jump in the water
And bob up and down.
Quack, quack,quack,
They swim all around

Logan's Duck

The Goodbye Song
(sung to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands!")

It's time for us to go,
It's time for us to go,
We'll see each other tomorrow,
It's time for us to go.

Building Blocks Daycare Center, Inc.
Route1, Box 538-5  Delmar,DE 19940
Fax: 302-846-0166


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